
Toxic home or healthy household

Nov 12, 2018

Learn how to turn your possibly toxic house into a healthy home, this is one of the most responsible things you can do to yourself and your family:
Georganic Method knows that health is not only the absence disease. You also have to be healthy at home, so if your home is toxic (and you might not even know it!), you are not likely to be healthy.

Are you concerned about using eco-friendly detergents: whether they are worth it, whether they will clean properly and have good smell?! Are you not sure about packing your food in anything rather than plastic or if you can have great scent without using air freshener or perfume? This topic is for you then.

I tell you why it isn’t so hard to keep your household fresh and tidy without using chemicals – also the reasons why you should stop using them too. Make sure the water, air, textiles, paints, cleaning products, EMFs (electromagnetic fields) are not adding to your toxic load:

1. Cleaning products:

Fact: There is an increased awareness on toxicity of cleaning products and their effects on the respiratory system by now, but the first study which looked at the impact of these was published in May 2018 only! It has found that women responsible for cleaning at home or professionally cleaning, had accelerated decline in lung functions (compared to women who were not responsible for cleaning), which means that the exposure to cleaning materials can be disadvantageous to women’s respiratory health in the long term. **
Solution: buy eco-friendly cleaning products or make home-made ones.
Recipe: Put 3-5 tablespoons of baking soda in a high walled pot (as it will fizz), pour vinegar into it. The texture of the mix has to be spreadable mass. Then drop 20 drops of lemongrass (or lemon-eucalypt, or tea tree) essential oil. Use it for cleaning your bathtub, shower, washbasin and sink with sponge and for your toilet with the toilet brush.

2. Washing products:
Fact: these products may contain toxic ingredients and are in role of changing our enzymatic activity thus having an impact on our full body function.
“Our study proves that detergents may lead to loss of enzymatic activity and structure of plant enzymes. Since detergents are common source of pollution in water bodies and the water from these resources can be used in fields, our study may prove helpful in creating awareness about harmful action of detergents.” ***
Solution: buy eco-friendly washing products or make home-made ones. These products will clean your clothes just as good as the artificial ones. These methods are also good for your washing machine as they will not leave plaque in it.
Recipe: use washing nuts, sodium carbonate or eco washing gel only, instead of detergents.
Bleaching and stain removal: use sodium percarbonate for making your clothes white, or use with any colour for stain removal. It is not only eco-friendly but also cheap and effective.
Fabric softener: use vinegar-essential oil mixture, citric acid-essential oil mixture or eco fabric softener only.

3. Air fresheners:
air fresheners may contain toxic substances and greenhouse gases: they can cause allergies and only cover up bad odours, also may contain ingredients with potential for developmental / endocrine / reproductive effects; damage to DNA; cancer. ****
Solution: diffuse 100% pure essential oils, use natural fresheners and candles or do home-made ones.
Recipe: use spray bottle (glass if you can), fill it with water, a tablespoon of vinegar and 40 drops of lemongrass essential oil.

4. Plastic:
it is not enough to avoid dietary triggers, such as gluten, dairy, GMOs (genetically modified) or lectins; but also to avoid environmental triggers. One of the most common autoimmune triggers is bisphenol-A (BPA). You will find BPA in all plastics: water bottles, plastic containers, plastic utensils, the lining of cans, plastic coffee lids and the ink on store receipts.
“Although no specific evidence has linked human or animal autoimmune disease development to BPA exposure, many of the mechanisms known to exist in autoimmune pathophysiology also appear to exist with immune reactivity from BPA exposure.” *****
Solution: it looks impossible to completely avoid plastic but it is crucial to reduce the application of plastic as much as possible even if you do not suffer from any autoimmune diseases. Instead of plastic buy and use glass, stainless steel, ceramics and wood containers, bottles, cups, mugs, utensils, pan, baking trays and baking molds; avoid plastic #3 and #7; avoid canned products; limit your exposure to plastic products; use bulk food (not the ones in plastic packaging – e.g. package free shops!); do not use liquid infant formula that has BPA lined in the bottles.
The most important is: do not microwave plastic containers! Even if they are BPA free, they still might leach other chemicals into your food.

5. Medicine: healthy households need herbs and 100% pure essential oils. My household is full of fresh herbs and artificial-free herbal teas so I can serve my family in any situation. The Györgytea palette is satisfactory as it provides teas for prevention, diabetes and many other problems. I have one pack from almost all of the teas at home, because they do not only affect the problems that have already arisen, but also continuous consumption of these (consumed according to the instructions!) are perfect for prevention.
I recommend Panarom products wholeheartedly, as they are professional products from Adrienne Feller, the lady of Hungarian aromatherapy. Essential oils are known and proven to have aromatherapy effects. They can be antiviral, bactericidal, fungicidal, antiseptic, energising, relaxing, immune enhancer, analgesic, etc. so you can solve all your problems and household chores with them.

You see how many things you can change in your household, without giving up on lot or paying more. If you would like to get more tips, sign up to Georganic program where you receive the knowledge how to transform your house from toxic to healthy.

It is time to have a look at the toxic influence of your home. Choose chemical free products!

Healthy regards,


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** Kristin J. CummingsM. Abbas Virji. (2018) The Long-Term Effects of Cleaning on the Lungs. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 197:9, 1099-1101.

*** Groscurth P, Cheng S, Vollenweider I, von Felten A., Effects of washing and gel filtration on the ultrastructure of human platelets, Acta Haematol. 1987;77(3):150-5.


***** Datis Kharrazian, “The Potential Roles of Bisphenol A (BPA) Pathogenesis in Autoimmunity,” Autoimmune Diseases, vol. 2014, Article ID 743616, 12 pages, 2014.

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

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